Google Analytics has recently published a new case study that has found that, when used properly, Google Analytics can help to dramatically improve conversion rates. The study looks at Marketo, which is a major marketing automation company. They wanted to improve their own marketing strategy. In order to do that, they knew they needed a way to collect accurate data and use it in a flexibile and effective way.
They used a two-step approach where they started by using their own real-time personalization product to help identify the characteristics of potential customers. They then ran dthis data through Google Analytics as events. The data could then be seen as visitor demographics and behavior information so they could get a more complete picture of their ideal customers.
According to the release from Google, “Using Google Analytics as the single source for customer data, Marketo segmented audiences in Analytics based on conversion stage or business vertical. With native integrations between Google Analytics and AdWords, Marketo was able to pass these specialized remarketing lists to AdWords and serve more personalized remarketing ads to its users in just a few, easy clicks.
Marketo’s VP of Product Marketing, Mike Telem said, “Google Analytics has helped us increase the effectiveness of our AdWords remarketing campaigns by improving the targeting of our audiences and allowing us to present more relevant ads.”